Flour Fortification Initiative (FFI) Partners Meeting


2-3 June 2009


Pullman Hotel in Dakar, Senegal


Click for the full participant list.

Background and Opening

Building on momentum from the First African Flour Fortification Initiative Workshop in November of 2008, 24 representatives from partner organizations, including development agencies, non-governmental organizations and millers, gathered in Dakar, Senegal, to reach agreement on focus areas for collaborative action. Using small group conversations, mapping exercises, presentations, and plenary discussions, participants agreed on four concrete priority actions related to moving the flour fortification agenda forward in Africa over the next 12 months. The meeting on 2-3 June 2009 focused largely on experiences and challenges in West Africa. FFI will undertake further consultations in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa to determine the best way to support the flour fortification agenda in those regions.

Participants were welcomed by Hye Kim, FFI Executive Officer (Interim) who  highlighted key milestones in FFI’s history, outlined its strategies, and introduced the objectives of the meeting. The meeting was then officially opened by The Honorable HE Guy-Amedee Ajanohoun, Commissioner in Charge of Enterprise Development, Telecommunications and Energy at UEMOA. In his address, Mr Ajanohoun pledged the Commission’s ongoing support for food fortification in the region.

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Smarter Futures is a public-private-civic partnership that supports similar partnerships of flour millers, governments, vitamin and mineral suppliers, international organizations, and academic institutions to make fortification of wheat flour a reality in Africa. The aim of Smarter Futures is to improve health in Africa through the enrichment of wheat and maize flour with essential vitamins and minerals.